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This rack was designed with taking under consideration all factors positively influencing on good performance of stereo system. Main target was to minimize vibrations transferred into audio equipment. They are especially unwanted in case of turntables. We are using following techniques:

  • Main structure carrying stone platforms is made of MDF. Frame can be finished in veneer or painted in any color in RAL palette.
  • Stone platform are positioned on the frame by mean of anti vibration spikes and/or special rubber absorbers.
  • Main working platform made of stone. There can be used also other materials like multilayer glass, natural wood and so on.

Outer dimensions of rack presented below are quite big - 70/60/80cm (height). No doubts – this is really big thing. Dimensions of top platform is 60/70cm, middle and low platforms are as wide as 55cm . Thanks to that this rack is very convenient and comfortable in use. Even if we do not put big turntable on top of it there will be enough space for small things running around like balance, vinyl brush, CDs, interconnects and so on.

Total weight of this rack is oscillating around 60-80kg. Only because of that it is very efficient in resonance damping. That’s why this table can be ordered also without stone platforms.